Windsor Public School

Strive To Be Better

Telephone02 4577 3168

Extra curricular activities

Windsor Public School has a variety of extra curricular activities such as percussion, choir, dance groups, public speaking and more.

Dance groups

Windsor Public School offers several opportunities for students to be involved in dance. Students in Kindergarten to Year 2 are able to participate in the junior dance group and students in Years 3 to 6 are able to participate in the competition dance group.

Within these groups, students have the opportunity to perform at shopping centres, eisteddfods, dance festivals and other local events. Students have a great time being involved in these fantastic groups as they get the opportunity to learn new skills, work as a team and have a lot of fun.

Pulse Choir

Windsor Public School's pulse choir participates in a 700 strong combined choir at the Sydney Opera House each year.

Students in the choir attend a school lunchtime practice every week and attend 2 combined choir rehearsals at Jamisontown Public School.

Participating in Pulse Choir is a wonderful opportunity and students always remember the night they performed at the Sydney Opera House!

School carnivals

Windsor Public School has three major sporting carnivals each year for students:

  • A swimming carnival is held in Term 1
  • A cross country carnival is held in Term 2.
  • An athletics carnival (track and field events) is held in Term 3.

Successful students at our school carnivals go on to represent Windsor Public School at the district carnivals. Students will then compete for the opportunity to progress to regional and state carnivals.

Gala days

Windsor Public School participates in many sporting gala days being held in our local districts. In the past, students from Windsor Public School have proudly represented our school in the following:

  • touch football
  • Australia football rules
  • basketball
  • cricket
  • tennis.

These days provide the students with the opportunity to compete against other schools located in both the Hawkesbury and Blue Mountains. Students new to the sport are able to develop new skills and learn the rules of the game supported by state sporting officials and referees.

Social evenings

Staff and parents enjoy these annual events which have become part of our school culture. Each year, a special evening is planned for the school community to gather for no other reason than to socialise β€” which has proven to be a very popular and informal, friendly way to meet staff and parents.

In the past, we have had circus skill workshops, african drumming, Life Be In it β€” Funworks, cookouts, an outdoor movie night and a bush dance.

The Percussionists

The Percussionists are an β€˜all boys' group from Years 2 to 6. The group beat out loud and rhythmic entertainment on alternate percussion instruments which consist of bins, chairs, lagerphones and junk materials (one such instrument being a bedpan). Instruments have also been constructed from car parts, household items and hardware.

The group performs at many local community and district events, which are not limited to school-based performances.

The original concept behind creating an alternate percussion group was to engage boys actively at school through an extra-curricular activity. This very popular group reinforces group work, tolerance and respect while boosting self-esteem β€” which are all key elements of our expectations.

This welfare strategy has proven to be most successful and a popular component of the school culture at Windsor Public.